

At King's we really value the wide variety of backgrounds that our pupils come from. To make our fees affordable for as many families as possible, we work hard to keep fees as low as we can, whilst still providing small class sizes, excellent teaching and superb facilities.

In March 2024 when VAT on fees was becoming an increasingly likely outcome, we were able to assure our parents that if VAT was introduced, the extra cost payable by parents, inclusive of VAT, would be only 9% above the September 2024 fee and that this fee would remain unchanged until September 2026. These fees are illustrated below and are inclusive of VAT. They are effective from 1st January 2025 and, as promised, will remain unchanged until summer 2026.

The article at the bottom of this page gives more information on our strategy to mitigate the impact of VAT on King's School Fees.

Junior and Senior School 

Junior School
Reception  £3,725
Lower Transition(Year 1)£4,130
Upper Transition(Year 2)£4,130
Lower Preparatory(Year 3)£5,025
Upper Preparatory(Year 4)£5,560
Lower Shell(Year 5)£5,965
Upper Shell(Year 6)£6,600
Senior School
First Form(Year 7)£7,685
Second Form(Year 8)£8,210
Third Form(Year 9)£8,210
Fourth Form(Year 10)£9,050
Fifth Form(Year 11)£9,050
Sixth Form
Lower Sixth(Year 12)£9,050
Upper Sixth(Year 13)£9,050

A Sibling Discount of 5% is offered for the second child attending King’s from the same family rising to 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% for subsequent siblings, whilst they are all in attendance.

The School fees are calculated on an annual basis. For the purposes of payment, they are divided into three equal instalments, which do not necessarily relate to the length of the term.

School fees are reviewed annually by the Governing body. Any increase normally takes effect from September each year. The Governors reserve the right to impose a surcharge at any time in the event of any sudden or unpredictable rise in the School's running costs.

What is included?

  • Lunch
  • Stationery
  • Laboratory, Art and DT expenses (pupils wishing to keep completed items only pay for materials)

What is not included?

  • Textbooks in Senior School
  • External examination fees 
  • Educational visits and trips

Optional Extras

All optional extras are offered on a termly basis and half a term’s notice in writing to the Bursar is required to discontinue any optional extra.

  • Music - £27.50 per lesson, plus VAT from January 2025 if delivered directly by the school (normally 10 lessons per term of 30 minutes each).
  • The School can arrange LAMDA Speech and Drama lessons during the school day with an accredited third-party teacher. The costs are from £11.50 per pupil in a group lesson up to £25 for a solo lesson. Further details are available on request from the Performing Arts Administrator: [email protected]
  • Learning Support - In Junior and Senior School learning support is conducted in small groups within curriculum time without extra charge except in exceptional circumstances when a charge will be made.
  • Incidentals - outdoor pursuits, visits to plays, concerts etc
  • English as a Foreign Language (EFL) £38.50 per lesson, plus VAT from January 2025


  • A deposit of £500 per child is payable to secure a place. The deposit is refundable, subject to any outstanding payments, against the final invoice issued when a child leaves the School.
  • Payment of school fees is due on or before the start of the term invoiced. A surcharge of 1.5% per month is payable on all late payments.
  • The Governors reserve the right to not permit pupils to return to school if the fees are not paid on time.
  • Monthly direct debit payments may be arranged via an arrangement with School Fee Plan. For further details, please click on the button below or visit their website: School Fee Plan.

School Fee Plan

The King’s School, Gloucester is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Premium Credit Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 702718). "School Fee Plan” is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited (Company number 02015200)


  • A full term’s notice must be given in writing by the parent or guardian before a pupil is withdrawn. This notice should be received by the Bursar, on or before the first day of term. This rule applies throughout the school, including transfer from Junior (Year 6) to Senior (Year 7) and into the Lower Sixth (Year 12), where transfer is presumed. Failure to provide such notice will result in a term’s fees being charged in lieu of notice.

Little King's

Little King’s offers a stimulating Pre-School environment and prepares children for the important next step to Reception.

We are pleased to be able to accept 15 hours free Government vouchers.

However, we are unable to accept the additional 15 hours due to the fact that the cost of our bespoke Early Years environment cannot be covered by the value of these vouchers. Time in Kindergarten includes specialist teachers e.g. music lessons with the Director of Music from the Junior School, Dance and Movement lessons with the Head of Dance from the Junior School, as well as structured activities and excursions designed to develop each child.

Morning SessionFull DayAftercare
8.30am - 12.30pm8.30am - 3.15pm3.15pm - 6.00pm

Pre-School places are available for morning sessions or full day sessions at a charge of £10.00 per hour.  From September 2024 all pupils are required to attend eight sessions per week. A session is a half day; afternoons only are not permissible. VAT is not chargeable on Pre-School fees.

Early Birds club is available from 7.45am at a charge of £3.00 per half hour. Aftercare is available at £7.80 per hour.


• Pre-School fees are invoiced on a six-weekly basis and are payable upon receipt of the invoice

• The Governors reserve the right to not permit pupils to return to school if fees remain unpaid

• Employee Childcare vouchers/salary sacrifice schemes are accepted.


Raising the Bar

    VAT on School Fees

    The Labour Government has confirmed its policy to introduce VAT onto school fees for all independent schools, with effect from January 2025. King’s has been planning for this possibility for a considerable period and we do realise how important it is to give clarity and reassurance to families when faced with such uncertainty.

    As explained above, when VAT is applied in January 2025, the total fees to be paid (inclusive VAT at 20% where it applies) will increase by 9% compared with the September 2024 fees. This impact is significantly less than what will be possible at most other independent schools. The only exception to this will be for Reception (Year 0 in the Junior School) where the fee will be increased over two years to match that of Years 1 and 2. It is expected that the January 2025 fee structure as described would run through to summer 2026.

    You can read more about King's strategy to mitigate the impact of VAT on school fees here:

    School bank

    Lloyd’s TSB Bank plc, Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1NU

    Account Name: The King’s School, Gloucester

    Sort Code: 30-93-48

    Account No: 00175810