Staff List

Staff List

Please find below our staff listings for both Junior and Senior schools at King's. Each staff member has a contact address available within their listing.

MrDavid Morton  HMHeadmaster 
MrsAnne HaasACHHead of Junior School
DrMatthew LimMLDeputy Head (Academic)
MrsMandy PhillipsMJPDeputy Head (Pastoral), Designated Safeguarding Lead
MrJohn CollinsJSCDeputy Head (Operations)
DrTom Horler-UnderwoodTHUAssistant Head (Head of Sixth Form)
MrRobert ShaughnessyRPSAssistant Head (Co-curricular)
MrLloyd GriffithsLGBursar
MrsAlejandra AldaoAIA                   Spanish Conversationalist
MrAidan BarrARBTeacher of PE and Games, Head of Rugby, Head of Fifth Form (Year 11)
MrsClaire BeardCEBTeacher of Design Technology, Head of Middle School
MrsLeanne Bennett-HowellsLBHTeacher of PE and Games, Head of Second Form (Year 8)
MrsHeather BoakesHJBLearning Support
MrBen BramleyBSBTeacher of Biology
MrAlastair BressingtonANBTeacher of PE and Games, Head of Cricket, Junior School Games Co-ordinator
MissAmy BrumbyALBTeacher of English, Head of Third Form (Year 9)
MissBecky CantinBRCHead of Girls' Games, Netball and King's-Crypt Nova Centre
MrsRachel CareyRMCHead of Biology (Maternity Cover)
MrMark CarterMLCHead of Physics and Science
MrsTania CastellsTGCTeacher of MFL
MrJohn CollinsJSCTeacher of Design Technology, Deputy Head (Operations)
MissLucy ComensLJCHead of Mathematics, Academic Enrichment Coordinator, Assistant Head of Sixth Form (Academic)
MrKevin ConlonKCTeacher of Mathematics, Head of Fourth Form (Year 10)
MrsBeth Copeland-JordanBCJDirector of Drama, Assistant Head of Sixth Form (Pastoral)
Mrs Elizabeth CowenECCTeacher of English & History
MrAndrew de Gruchy EastASEHead of Art
MrsPenny FayterPMFTeacher of Classics and Learning Skills
MrsJackie FennJDFTeacher of PE and Games
MissBeth GabrielBCGTeacher of PE and Games
MrRoss GaddRAGHead of Design Technology
MissRebecca GermanRCGAssistant Director of Music (Maternity Cover)
DrWeiching GibsonWGLearning Skills
MrsAlice GouldANGTeacher of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics, Head of First Form (Year 7)
MrsTracy GrimeTGTeacher of History and Classics
MrsToni HaighTAHHead of Psychology
MissAmy HicksonAMHTeacher of Mathematics
MrsSara HobbsSJHTeacher of History, Assistant Chaplain
MrsDeborah HoggDMHTeacher of Science
DrTom Horler-UnderwoodTHUTeacher of History, Assistant Head (Head of Sixth Form)
MrChris JamesCJTeacher of PE and Games, Head of Girls' Hockey, Head of Upper School
MrsRebecca JamesRDJHead of Biology, KS3 Science Coordinator
MrAndrew KentAKTeacher of Mathematics
MissSophia KobylecSCKTeacher of Physics
DrMatthew LimMLTeacher of Computer Science, Deputy Head (Academic)
MrDavid LloydDALHead of Economics and Business
MrsFrancesca LucasFCLTeacher of Geography
Mr Jonathan MaiseyJPPMCover Supervisor
MrsCassie MartinCBMHead of English, Course Director
MrShaun MinnearSAMTeacher of Mathematics
MrsSara MiskinCSMTeacher of Mathematics
MrsStephanie MustoeSDMTeacher of Drama
MrsKiran O'BrienKOBTeacher of Classics, Assistant Head of Sixth Form
MrPaul O'BrienPOBHead of Classics
MrsKathryn O'SullivanKOSHead of Learning Skills
MrsGayle PearceGAPTeacher of Girls' Games and PE
MrJohn PenningtonJPDirector of Music
MrsDanielle PetersDVPAssistant Director of Music
MrsMandy PhillipsMJPTeacher of Girls' Games and PE, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Designated Safeguarding Lead
MrAndy PhillipsAJPDirector of Sport
MrAlex RansomeAFRHead of Computer Science
MrMatthew RappelMJRTeacher of Business & Economics
MissLauren RelfLVRGraduate Sports Assistant
MrsJenna RickettsJLRTeacher of Business
MrWade RidsdaleWGRSports Coach, Sports Hall Manager
MrLee RobsonLERTeacher of PE and Games, Head of Boys' Hockey
MrFrankie RouffetFRTeacher of Biology, Science Partnership Coordinator
MrsAmanda RowanAJRTeacher of Physics
RevDaniel RutherfordDFRTeacher of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics, School Chaplain
MrDavid ScardDASHead of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics, Head of Laud House
MrColin SharpCDSHead of Chemistry, Head of Operations
MrsCatherine Shaughnessy    CSHead of Modern Foreign Languages, EPQ Centre Coordinator
MrRobert Shaughnessy   RPSTeacher of English, Assistant Head (Co-curricular)
MissRachael SloanRCSTeacher of English
MrsMaude SolerMMSTeacher of Modern Foreign Languages
MissAnna TalbotAETTeacher of Chemistry, Admissions Tutor
MissCatherine TaylorCATTeacher of English
MrsSamantha TibbattsSTTeacher of Art
MissRebecca Van SomerenRVSTeacher of Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish Curriculum Lead, Head of Serlo House
MrsRebecca VealsRVHead of Geography
MrsJuliette WalkerJEWHead of History and Politics
MissChrissie WaltersCEWTeacher of Art
MrGary WatsonGMWTeacher of Business
MrJames WithersJWTeacher of Mathematics, Head of Wheeler House
MsAngela WoodlandADWTeacher of Business
MrsKatie WrightKWTeacher of Geography 
Miss         Georgia BaldwinGNB                Little King's Teaching Assistant
MissCharlotte BarleyCABLittle King's Teaching Assistant
MrsSarah BeardSLBHead of Little King's
MrPaul BennettPSBJunior School Class Teacher, Deputy Head (Academic)
MrsEmma BerryEBJunior School Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Mrs Jenny BishopJBJunior School Teaching Assistant
MrsCatherine BreareCJBJunior School Class Teacher
MrsNatalie CoatesNJCJunior School Class Teacher
MrRichard CooperRACJunior School Class Teacher
MrBret GaertnerBGJunior School Class Teacher
MissBecky GeeBGJunior School Class Teacher, KS1 Lead
MrsLouise GoodallLAC1Little King's Teaching Assistant
MrsAnne HaasACHHead of Junior School
Mrs Angela HamiltonALHJunior School Teaching Assistant
MrsJessica HumberJHJunior School Class Teacher
MrsBeverley HyettBMHJunior School Teaching Assistant
MrsKathryn JeffreeKLJJunior School Class Teacher
MrsSarah JelfSEJLittle King's Teaching Assistant
MrsJulie JohnsonJCJJunior School Class Teacher
MrsHeather KeyteHKKJunior School Class Teacher
Mrs Jo McDonaldJLMJunior School Class Teacher, Assistant Head (Co-curricular)
MrJames PockettJXPJunior School Cover Supervisor
MissJo RichellJFRJunior School Class Teacher
MrsCatherine SawyerCJSJunior School Director of Music
MrsHannah SmithHJSJunior School Teaching Assistant, Aftercare Manager
MrsEmma SteelEVSLittle King's Teaching Assistant
MissLauren SysumLJSJunior School Class Teacher
MrsEmma TuffillEITJunior School Class Teacher, KS2 Lead
MrsPhilippa WilliamsPKWJunior School Teaching Assistant
MrsRuth WoodliffeRHWJunior School Drama Teacher
MrsIngy AbdelhamidINABreaktime Supervisor
MrsAbir Al-KokyAAKBreaktime Supervisor
Mr          Carl AshmeadCJA          Carpenter
Mrs Sarah AshworthSMABreaktime Supervisor 
MrsJulie AtkinsonJAAPayroll Clerk
MrJamie BakerJGBSports Coach
MrsKatie BakerKMBPerforming Arts Administrator
MrsClare BaldingCBSchool Nurse
MissCharlotte BarleyCABBreaktime Supervisor
MrDavid BarnesDABCaretaker
MrJosh BarnesJLBSports Hall and All-Weather Pitch Assistant
MrsKatherine BerginKEBSenior School Administrator
MrsDonna BevanDMBCleaner
MrsSharon BirdSBAssistant Registrar (Sixth Form)
MrRichard BowmanRDBGrounds Manager
MrsGail BroadyGMBInvigilator
MsKaren BrownKLBSports Hall and All-Weather Pitch Assistant
MissRhiannon BulpinRGBSports Hall and All-Weather Pitch Assistant
MrsLucia BurleyLBMarketing Assistant
MissAmanda ButlerAJB2Cleaner
MrsJessica CahillJCCJunior Accountant
Mrs Claire CardCCMarketing & Communications Manager 
MrMike CarolanMJCDesign Technology Technician
MrJosh CastledineJPCPerforming Arts Technician, Gap Assistant
MissMillie ChaplinMMCGraduate Sports Assistant
MrSeamus ConnollySMCSports Coach
MrsJohanna CornellJCPastoral Administrator
MissSarah CowburnSCGap Assistant
MrsSophie DareSLDSixth Form Administrator
MrChris DaviesCDMaintenance
Mrs Julie de Gruchy East JAEArt Technician 
MrsJane DiacoJPDAftercare Play Leader
MissVictoria EmeryVMEGap Assistant
MrDavid EvansDJEArchivist
MrsLaura FanningLFHead Cleaner
MrsRosemary FanningRFCleaner
MrsEmma FeberyELFPA to the Headmaster
Mrs Amanda Fletcher AF1Driver 
MissDaniele FreitasDAFBehaviour Buddy
MrCraig FryerCAFIT Technician
MrHarry FullerHWFHR & Recruitment Coordinator
MrRichard GoughRTGCaretaker
MrLloyd GriffithsLGBursar
MrsRachel GriffithsRMGSchool Nurse
Mrs Louise HannLMHSchool Nurse
MrNick HaywoodNJHInvigilator
MissPoppy JohnsonPHJGap Assistant
MrDavid JonesDOJAssistant Groundsman
Mr Mike Jones MLJDriver 
MrsNorma KellyNKReceptionist
MrsDebby KennedyDAKBursary Administrator
MrMat KrupaMXKFacilities Assistant
MissKeta LopesHMLCleaner
MissMaria MarquesMMCleaner
MrsJoan MastersJM1Cleaner
MrsBecca McLeanBLMCo-curricular Administrator
MrsRachael MerrettREMEvents and Lettings Manager
MrsNicola MilesNAMJunior School Receptionist
MrJohn MillarJSMMaintenance Assistant
MrsSarah MillsSLMJunior School Receptionist
MrCharles MorrisCAMNetwork Manager
MrsTracey MoorTMScience Technician
MissClaire MorleyCDMCompliance Officer and PA to the Bursar
MrPaul MorrisPDMCaretaker
MrGeorge MorseGMSports Hall and All-Weather Pitch Assistant
MrsAnnie MortonAEMAdmissions Administrator
MrDavid OtterDJOFinance Manager
MrsMorgan PadfieldMPBreaktime Supervisor
MrTim PartridgeTGPMinibus Driver
MrWayne PeglerWPMinibus Driver
DrRosalind PikeRPSenior Science Technician
MrRichard PlanchantRAPFacilities Manager
Mr Mike Presley MPRDriver and Breaktime Supervisor
MrJeremy RamstedtJRDesign Technology Technician
MrPhil RancePJRNetwork Manager
MrsNikki RevensNCRReceptionist
MrsKaren RileyKNRExams Officer
MrJohn RobertsJJRGrounds Maintenance Assistant
MrsNatalie ShannonNSPA to the Head of Junior School
MrsJoanna SmartJCSBreaktime Supervisor
MrGeorge SmithGCSHead of Alumni Relations
MrsGillian SouthamGISLibrarian
MrsSusan StaddonSSCleaner
MrsAlison StaleyACSAssistant Registrar (Junior School)
MissMaria Tavares RentesLTRCleaner
MrPhil TonksPATFacilities Assistant
MrsRachel TornstrandRTFinance Administrator
MissEllie TownsendETHead of Admissions
MrsEmma TyerEFTWellbeing Mentor
MrJerome VidgenJPVDeputy Groundsperson
MrMichael WagnerMPWDriver
MrsAngela WallABWCleaner
MrMark WatsonRMWFrench Language Assistant
MrsErica WebsterEWJunior School Library Assistant
MrsLyndsey WorthingtonLAWHR Manager
MrsSharon WrightsonSW1Common Room Supervisor
Mr         Sebastian FieldSRF                 Singing
MrsLaura GallettaLKGViola & Violin
MrTom GilkesTNGDrum Kit & Percussion
MrDaniel GoodrumDGPiano
MrsHelen HarperHEHFlute
MrsPippa HarrisonPEWPiano, Head of Keyboard
MrDaniel HaywardDGHDrum Kit & Percussion
MrsMonica LeiherMELClarinet & Saxophone
MrMartin MasonMJMPiano
MissAsha McCarthyAMCello
MissAmy ReynoldsAGRPiano
MrMartin RogersMRBrass
MrJonathan TrimJT1Violin, Head of Strings
MissJennifer WalkerJHWSinging, Head of Vocal Studies                
MrChris WhiteCWGuitar (Classical, Electric & Bass)