Parent Information
Full uniform requirements can be found here
Little King's
One of the things that make children in our Early Years Centre stand out is the uniform. They are proud to put on their school uniform every day and to feel part of the overall school. We are also proud of our uniform and encourage all pupils and parents to respect our rules.
A specific style of uniform has been chosen and is adhered to strictly. Full uniform lists can be found on this page. All children in Reception need a PE kit in school.
Parents are advised that children must not bring expensive toys or watches to school as no responsibility can be accepted for their loss or damage. Jewellery is not allowed with the exception of plain gold studs which may be worn by the girls. During games these must be removed or ‘taped’.
Children must always have a uniform jumper and coat at school.
Girls – tied back with navy blue accessories and no gel
Boys – conventional, traditional style ie above the collar, not close shaven and no gel.
All belongings brought to school must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Using a biro to name clothes is unsatisfactory as it quickly washes out. The marking on boots and shoes often becomes illegible after wear and may need to be renewed. A slip will be sent home if a child is improperly dressed.
Pre-School Children
In order to help the smooth running of the nursery, we ask parents to ensure that every child in Kindergarten has a small named plastic box containing spare pants, tights/socks and a spare set of clothes in case of any accidents.
School Bags
Children in the Early Years are asked to purchase school bags from the school uniform shop.
During the Trinity (Summer) Term, when the weather is hot and sunny, it is essential children come to school with sun cream applied and a sun hat.
It is important to us that Children eat a varied, well-balanced cooked lunch when they are in our care. At break times the Children are offered fruit as a snack and a glass of milk or water.
Each term we have a new menu which is displayed in the entrance foyer and can be found here.
Should your child have a special dietary requirement, parents are asked to inform the school in writing.
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After Care
There is After School Care provision until 6pm every day.
Early Birds
Before School Care is available from 7.45am each morning.
Holiday Clubs
Holiday clubs, run by Atlas Camps, operate over the holidays.
Further details of our wrap-around care can be found here along with associated costs.
We are delighted that you are considering Little King's for your child. We seek to admit pupils who will be happy and will thrive within the King’s community.
Find out more about our admissions process with the Journey planner below:
Should you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to contact us