The King's School Parents' Association (KSPA) is a group made up of volunteer parents and representatives of the school who support the school through fundraising events.
New members are always welcome, and we would encourage any parent to get involved. Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve higher levels when parents and teachers work together.
Fundraising events are an integral part of KSPA life, and they take place throughout the academic year. As well as raising extra funds to invest in the school and school facilities, they are also a great way of meeting other parents and getting involved in the social aspect of King's.
We would be delighted to see some new faces, so if you would like to join the KSPA, or would like further information on the association, please contact the KSPA committee, by email on kspa@thekingsschool.co.uk
The KSPA 100 Club
Would you like the opportunity to win some money every month? The 100 Club runs from 1st December until 30th November each year and we draw a number for every month. You can purchase an available number for £20 per number, per year. Every month we make two prize draws:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November prizes are: 1st Prize: £50; 2nd Prize: £25;
December prizes are: 1st Prize: £100; 2nd Prize: £50;
If you would like to join, please create a standing order with your bank for the amount of numbers you would like. The details are: Account: 03858498, Sort Code: 30-93-48.
Or send a cheque payable to KSPA to: Sarah Wintle, Green Court, Blaisdon Lane, Blaisdon, Longhope, Gloucester. GL17 0AL
Or please contact us through our email; kspa100club@gmail.com