Lunch Menus & Tuck Shop

Lunch Menus & Tuck Shop

Lunch Menus

Our lunch menus rotate every three weeks to provide pupils with a range of healthy and delicious options to choose from.

Alternatives are always provided for children whose alternative dietary requirements have been registered with the school.

View the menus for this Term below:

Week 1
w/c 17th March
w/c 7th April
Week 2
w/c 3rd, 24th March
Week 3
w/c 10th, 31st March

School Menu Week 1

School Menu Week 2

School Menu Week 3

Tuck Shop

King’s School Tuck Shop is open to Senior School pupils at break time.  There is a great range of hot, cold and home-made food available every day.

It is a cashless system which is easy to top up through an online account. You will also be able to see payment and transaction history as well as the spending habits of your child. A maximum spend limit per day is also available, if necessary.   

Full set up information will be sent to you when your child joins the Senior School. If you have any questions about the Tuck Shop, please email the Office - [email protected]

The login page to top up your child's tuck shop account can be found here - TouchTopUp