The King's Gift

The King's Gift

Investing in the lives of future generations of King’s pupils

King’s has a long, proud history, stretching back nearly 500 years, and has welcomed pupils from a variety of backgrounds over the centuries. As a charity we are committed to continuing this tradition and keeping our school open to the wider community.

However, the current economic and political challenges mean that investing in the school from fee income is going to become more difficult in the years ahead.

The aim of the King’s Gift Campaign is to ensure that our school is able to continue to offer an outstanding academic and co-curricular education, delivered in first-class facilities, to talented pupils for the next 500 years.

The King’s Gift comprises two elements:

  • The Bursary Endowment Fund – transformational bursaries awarded to talented pupils who otherwise would not be able to access a King’s education
  • The Capital Projects Fund – investments in our stunning campus, to help us refresh and develop our facilities to meet the needs of 21st Century learning

How you can support the King's Gift:

  • Regular or one-off donations
  • Legacies – supporting future generations of pupils by remembering King’s in your Will