Phoebe wins national story writing competition

 Phoebe wins national story writing competition

Nine-year-old Phoebe was among ten winners of a national story writing competition, with her story ‘Gobble Box.’  The competition asked children across the UK to create an adaptation of the traditional fairy tale for a special edition book of ‘FairITales’.

The book features tall tales of techy princesses, smartphone-carrying knights in shining armour, tweeting piglets and gadget-loving goblins – it’s even got Alice in DigiLand. The book will rasie money for The Prince’s Trust.

Speaking at the book launch Phoebe said: “I feel very happy that my story was chosen and was very shocked to find out that I had won. Then I felt very special! I looked through lots of stories to get my ideas and finally decided on a goblin because there are so many types and shapes and sizes!”

 FairITales was created by the technology company Advanced as part of their involvement with The Prince’s Trust Million Makers competition, which aims to raise over £1 million nationwide.  The Million Makers challenge sees businesses from across the UK competing to raise as much money as possible over six months for The Prince’s Trust. Money raised will go towards helping disadvantaged young people to turn their lives around. You can purchase the book and read Phoebe’s story here.

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 Phoebe wins national story writing competition