The Railway Children - A King's School Production

The Railway Children - A King's School Production
Drama Drama/Dance

On Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th November, the children put on a fantastic production of 'The Railway Children', by E.Nesbit.

The story concerns a family who move from London to a house near the railway in Yorkshire, after the father, who works at the Foreign Office, is imprisoned after being falsely accused of spying. The story covers the theme of an innocent man being falsely imprisoned for espionage and finally vindicated. It might have been influenced by the Dreyfus Affair, which was a prominent worldwide news item a few years before the book was written. The book refers to the then current Russo-Japanese War and to attitudes taken by British people to the war. This dates the setting to the spring, summer and early autumn of 1905, and also accounts for the very hostile opinions of Tsarist Russia expressed in the book.

The students performed with great passion and kept their audience, which was made up of family & friends, captivated throughout. A riveting performance of a classic novel.

Flickr album: The Railway Children | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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The Railway Children - A King's School Production