Junior School Cross Country

Junior School Cross Country
Sport Sports

On Friday 22nd November, we took an enthusiastic team of 33 children to compete in the Gloucester City Schools District Championships at Holmleigh Park High School. Pupils from Lower Prep through to Upper Shell took part in the races. The distances were 640m for Year 3 pupils, 1280m for the Year 4 pupils and 1880m for the Year 5 and 6 pupils. The weather was challenging, it was wet underfoot with heavy rain throughout. We were pleased with the determination and resilience of all of the children as they all went on to complete their races.

There are a few children that deserve a special mention for their outstanding performances: Martha, Eva and Daisy finished in a highly commendable first, second and seventh place respectively in the Year 4 race. In Lower Shell, Pip finished 7th whilst in Upper Shell, Elijah came third followed by Jacob who came 13th. The final race of the day (the Upper Shell girls) resulted in huge success for King’s, with the following results: Matilda (1st), Georgie (4th), Heidi (5th) and Daisy (7th).

Also special congratulations to Upper Shell pupil Olivia who finished 4th and has been selected to train with the district squad.

As a result of their performances all the children who finished in the first 15 in their races have been selected to train as part of the Gloucester District team. There were approximately 120 children in each race.

A huge well done to all those who took part and represented the school so well throughout the afternoon you showed great determination. This shows good promise for the future and we look forward to seeing all of the children run in our Inter-House Cross Country next Spring.

Flickr album: Junior Cross Country 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

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