On Friday evening our 1st V11 finished the season with a showcase event at Oxstalls arena against Dean Close School.
The bleacher seating was out, and the event was set up to make it as close to a Super league experience as possible. Before taking the court, the lights were dimmed and the music faded out before players from both schools were introduced on to the court one at a time and welcomed favourably by the spectators!
Kings were aware that Dean Close had had an unbeaten season so it was going to be a tough match, but the squad were ready and excited. Winning the first centre pass, the crowd were elated when Kings took it straight to goal with a fantastic long-range shot, putting Kings first on the score board. Dean Close soon followed suit. This continued for the first 8 goals of the match, surprising Dean Close, with the score being level at 4-4. However, the pressure from Dean Close forced a few nerves to creep in and a combination of some missed shots and a couple of errors, enabled Dean Close to capitalise and take the lead.
As the game progressed, the spectators were rewarded with an excellent display of Netball from both schools and as the shooting nerves settled we were treated with some long range swishes being executed by all three shooters (and the opposition)! In the last quarter, Kings were determined to “play hard” and show true “Kings spirit” and came fighting back, winning the final quarter 13-8. It was not enough to seal the victory, but this last quarter particularly showed the potential from a young team and highlighted some exciting connections being strengthened on court.
All 12 players from Kings took to the court, which included two Fourth Formers making their 1st team debut. Congratulations and thank you to Dean Close who won the match 46-26 (missing only 5 shots in the whole match) and for challenging our players to problem solve on court and keep hunting for solutions to break down their defence.
A big thank you to all who came to champion our players and give them a memorable finale to the season and a special farewell to our Upper 6th players who will be leaving Kings at the end of this year. This squad have been an absolute delight to coach and we wish our leavers all the best next year and look forward to inviting you back next season for the “Old Girls” match!
Mrs Mears - Head of Girls Games and Netball
You can see a selection of photos of the match in the gallery below. To view the full set of photos of the match and if you would like to purchase any, please click here.
Flickr album: Girl 1st VII Netball v Dean Close 24 Mar 2023 |
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