String Festival 2024
On 23rd April, string players from the Senior School took part in our own String Festival.
Our visiting adjudicator, Mr Edgar Bailey, is Head of Strings at Cheltenham Ladies College, and has an extensive career performing with many renowned orchestras in the UK. He began the evening giving a 20 minute recital, before the stage was given over to our pupils.
There were three classes: Grades 1-3, 4-6 and 7+. Each pupil received aural and written feedback during the evening. Mr Bailey was most encouraging to all our performers, highlighting what they did well and giving valuable advice on how they might develop their playing further. Many thanks to Ms Harrison for organising the evening and to our String Teachers, Ms Johnnsen and Mr Trim for preparing and accompanying their students. Many congratulations to everyone who took part. The results are as follows:
Grade 1-3
Winner: Wayland (Year 7)
Highly Commended: Thomas (Year 7) & Esha (Year 7)
Grade 4-6
Winner: Ella (Year 7)
Highly Commended: Henry (Year 9)
Grade 7+
Winner: Conrad (Year 9)
Highly Commended: Jessie (Year 10) & Oli (Year 12)