Farewell to John Norrington Davies
The school community was saddened to receive news of the death of former member of staff, Mr John Norrington Davies. He taught PE and Games at King's from 1951 to 1956 and was one of the team of talented young staff personally recruited by Headmaster Tom Brown as part of the extensive reorganisation of the school he undertook during the 1950s. Football, hockey and cricket were the main sports played at King's at that time and in John Norrington Davies the boys found a first class coach. He was also well-known for leading some of the first school trips to the Continent in the post-war era: Holland (1953), Paris and Normandy (1954) and the Rhineland and Black Forest (1955). Mr Norrington Davies left King's in 1956 for his family home in Ceredigion, where he studied and taught at Aberystwyth University. Although his time at King's was regrettably short, it evidently provided him with fond memories. Long into his retirement Mr Norrington Davies kept in touch with the school and returned to the Evensongs we hold in the Cathedral for former staff. He also supplied the school with a cine film taken of a football coaching session on the Paddock in 1952; a copy of this film can be watched below: