Excellent in all areas

A glowingly positive report has been awarded to The King’s School in Gloucester reinforcing its credentials as one of the most popular and successful independent day schools in the South West of England.
The King’s School was inspected over three days in September 2022 by the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI), the regulatory body for independent schools. It included a regulatory compliance inspection and an inspection of educational quality across all areas of the school. A team of six inspectors visited the school over three days and hundreds of questionnaires were completed by staff, pupils and parents to share their views too.
The Inspectors unanimously agreed that the quality of King’s pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent, and the quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent too: this is the highest level possible to achieve.
The Inspectors commented that, “Pupils are enthusiastic and purposeful, and their positive behaviour is supportive of learning and a harmonious school environment.”
Also that, “Pupils develop secure moral and social awareness, knowing right from wrong, and they strive to contribute to others’ well-being.”
Headmaster, Mr David Morton, commented,
"We are all absolutely delighted with the 2022 ISI inspection report. This immaculate set of comments is a tribute to the hard work of all the staff, pupils, governors, and of course parents, in supporting the school's vision. We aim to provide the very best that an independent, balanced education can offer to our pupils, so it was very rewarding to learn that the inspectors saw evidence of that in every area of the school. King’s is a friendly, purposeful community which develops young people of character who will make a difference in the world around them and I could not be more proud of what we offer and achieve”
The full report can be read HERE
Any feedback on the report can be emailed to [email protected].