The Summer term in Dornakal started on the 16th January after the Harvest holidays and will continue to the end of March when the public school exams start.
Mr Shyam Kiran, the lead teacher has now recovered from a serious illness and has returned to school. Mr Arun Kumar has sent a short video clip from Republic (of India) Day celebrations on January 26th, where pupils performed the story of an agricultural family at the time of Indian Independence through to Republic Day where India was officially named in 1950. There are no lessons on this day and sweets are given to all the pupils.
We also received some photos of various activities happening in the DDEM School at the moment. These include a visit by the police to give a talk on cyberbullying and cybercrime and playing games in the school garden. The play equipment was donated by King’s and the decoration of the outside of the school was fund raised by King’s too.
Our fundraising this term is going to include a wonderful music concert on Saturday 18th March at Holy Trinity Church in Longlevens at 6pm, where some of our musicians and singers are going to perform on behalf of the DDEM School. It will also include a raffle and refreshments so raffle donations and cakes would be gratefully received for the event. It will run from 6pm - 8pm, including refreshments. The concert takes place in the church and the refreshments in the hall next door.