Arun Kumar, the lead teacher of our partner school in India, the DDEM School in Dornakal, has sent news and photos of the school's recent activities.
The school has recently celebrated the harvest festival, creating wonderful rangoli patterns with chalk paint in the school yard. Their harvest festival falls now just before the heat of summer arrives at the end of March. As the pupils are mostly from families who work as agricultural labourers, this is a very important time.
On February 7th, the school went on an educational trip to the cinema to see a film – Egise Tara Juvvalu. The film tells the story of 30 underpriviledged children whose lives change when a new science teacher arrives and they enter a science competition.

As it happens the older students entered a science competition on January 27th. It was held outside in the school garden! All students received participant certificates and three of the girls did very well.
Here is a short video clip of the Republic (of India) Day celebrations on January 26th, where it is the tradition to march in honour of the constitution in schools as a mark of respect.
In India all schools submit marks for each of their Class X students which are them externally moderated. This is separate to the public exams that they sit later in March. These marks and exams are equivalent to GCSEs. It is very important for the school to have their marks verified as schools can be closed down if they do not meet the standards. Here are the internal marks verification team:
Our fundraising this term is going to include a wonderful music concert this Saturday 2nd March at 6pm at St Lawrence Church, Barnwood. Everyone is welcome. The musicians and singers come from all areas of the school and we thank them all for their commitment. There will be a raffle and refreshments. Everyone is welcome and seats can be reserved here.