Religious Studies through Art Day

Religious Studies through Art Day

On Thursday 8th March the whole of the Junior School had an ‘RS through Art Day’. During the day the children learnt about each of the major world faiths through art activities. This ranged from Kindergarten making a big collage picture of a rainbow from ‘Noah’s Ark’ to Upper Shell making clay Buddhas. Other activities included making origami Lotus Flowers and creating Rangoli patterns using coloured sand. We were lucky enough to have three visitors offering more exciting activities!

Stella Ashmeade helped the older children create amazing Orthodox Christian icon paintings and Michelle Matley helped the younger children make beautiful stained glass windows incorporating Jewish symbols. The highlight of the day was Jamuna Davies painting henna tattoo after henna tattoo, on all of the children and some lucky staff members! It was a great day and lovely to see the children so enthused and going home with a ‘buzz’ after learning about so many religions through art!

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Religious Studies through Art Day