Celebrations for King’s A Level students after a challenging year

Celebrations for King’s A Level students after a challenging year
Academic Sixth Form

Today, students at The King’s School in Gloucester celebrated the best A Level results in the school’s long history with 59% of grades A* or A and D*D*D* for every student taking BTEC Sport, enabling 100% of students to go the University of their choice.

34% of the grades were A*, 92% of grades were A*-C and there was a 100% pass rate overall. 22 pupils also completed the highly valued Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in November 2020. 50% of these grades were A* and 68% were A*/A.

These exceptional results come in the year that King’s invested £2.5 million in the redevelopment of their Sixth Form Centre which offers students an inspirational learning environment and, with a record intake into the Sixth Form in September, will undoubtedly see the School’s Sixth Form go from strength to strength.

Amongst the greatest individual achievements were:

  • 6 students achieved three A* grades at A Level: Alexander Ager, Tabitha Cowell, Jennifer Gardiner, Thomas Morris, Maria Pennington and Loren Ryland-Epton.
  • 12 additional students achieved all A* and A grades: Oliver Adams, Jemila Alpan, Kate Browning, Harriette Cunningham, James Gryko, Evelyn Innes-Lewis, Lucy James, Nikkita Kaveh, Ellie Matthews, Harriet Minter, Michael Stamp and Isabel Wray.
  • 4 students completed four A-levels gaining 10A*s and 6As between them: Evelyn Innes-Lewis, Maria Pennington, Loren Ryland-Epton and Isabel Wray.
  • 2 students achieved D*D*D* in BTEC Sport, equivalent to A*A*A* at A Level: Cameron Cleave and Amith James.

The Headmaster, Mr David Morton, commented, “It has been a challenging year for us all in school but no more so than for this group of young people who have worked tirelessly at managing all the uncertainty to produce exceptional work throughout the whole course of their two-year study. With such a dedicated, resilient, and independent-minded set of pupils, it is no surprise that the students have now performed so well in their A Levels and BTEC studies. These pupils should be very proud of all that they have achieved: they have bright futures ahead of them.”

Students performed well across a wide range of disciplines, showing the variety of talent at King’s. 100% of students received A*-A grades in Design and Technology, Music, Fine Art, Photography and Theatre Studies, as well as in the more traditional subject areas of Latin, Further Mathematics and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.

The varied university destinations include reading Land Economy at Cambridge, Neuroscience at Bristol, Fine Art at Falmouth and Exercise and Sport Sciences at Exeter.  However, students are also choosing many other paths with one student taking an apprenticeship at the Gloucestershire firm, Kohler Mira, another going on to study Art at Central St. Martins and one starting pilot training.

Along with the academic achievements of the year group, Mr Morton, also paid tribute to the skills of the students beyond the classroom, “It is important to stress that these students are far more than the results that have been achieved today, however strong. At King’s, academic excellence goes hand in hand with warmth and compassion for community as well as a vibrant extra-curricular life.

Even in the midst of lockdown, this year group raised money for the charity Sue Ryder through a sponsored 10k, created the School’s inaugural newspaper ‘The Pitt Street Times’, led a three-night performance of Guys and Dolls post-lockdown, helped with the School’s Feeding Communities Project and much more. This year group will be remembered fondly for their outstanding academic ability, their calm leadership of the school and superb ‘can-do’ attitude in the most trying of circumstances.” 


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Celebrations for King’s A Level students after a challenging year