Dulverton Essay Competition

Dulverton Essay Competition
Senior School Academic

On Tuesday 29th March, 13 students gathered to discuss their essays which they had crafted for the inaugural ‘Dulverton Essay Competition’.

This competition was designed to recognise the best writers and those with a skill for academic research in their chosen field. The competition was open to pupils in Fourth Form and above across Gloucestershire, but it was 13 of our pupils who accepted the challenge and submitted an entry.

The competition required pupils to write a 1,500 word essay on the topic of ‘similarity and difference’. This led to a range of topical essays on areas such as racism, autism and gender stereotypes.

All the participants were invited to a presentation evening with the opportunity to talk about their essays and even quiz parents in the room on their chosen specialism. It was a highly intellectual, thought-provoking and, at times, humorous evening. We hope to be able to continue the competition next year so for those reading this who would like to get involved, then your time will come!

The overall winners and prizes for 2022 are below:

Key Stage 4 Winner

Toby Martin: The similarities and differences between Napoleon and Hitler’s invasions of Russia

Key Stage 5 Winner

Maddie Taylor: To what extent are Dido and Turnus similar in the Aeneid?

Prizes for Creativity

Maddy Burn: Opposites do not exist

Angus Wragg : How similar are sugar and cocaine?

Jack Wright : The similarities and differences between the trial of the Menendez Brothers and the story of Chrystul Kizer and how both show the flaws of the American Criminal Justice System





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Dulverton Essay Competition