King’s students celebrate academic success and look to the future

King’s students celebrate academic success and look to the future
Academic Exams

Students at the King’s School in Gloucester celebrated the best A Level public exam results in the school’s long history with 14% of grades at A*, a third at A*-A and two-thirds at A*-B.  In addition, half of the students taking BTEC Sport achieved the top grades of D*D*D*.

This is particularly impressive given these students never had the chance to practise taking public exams in their GCSEs; for them, these were their first-ever exams.

Amongst the greatest individual achievements were: 

  • Emily Wilcox: A* A* A*
  • Cottie Bird: A* A A A
  • Joan John: A* A A A
  • Christian Johnson: A* A* A*
  • Lorelie Roberts: A A A
  • Billy Bedwell, Connor Walters and Louis Whitmore: BTEC Sport D*D*D*

The Headmaster, Mr David Morton, commented,

“The results are a credit to our students; they have done so well under the incredibly challenging circumstances over the last three years. It is also important to recognise how these students have developed their broader life skills, such as resilience and independent learning. These students should be very proud of all that they have achieved: they have bright futures ahead of them.”  

The varied university destinations include students reading History, English and Exercise and Sport Sciences at Exeter; Natural Sciences and Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham; English and Creative Writing at Birmingham; International Development at the University of Leeds and Human Geography at Cardiff. Other students are going on to start Apprenticeship programmes.

Along with the academic achievements of the year group, the Headmaster also paid tribute to the skills of the students beyond the classroom,

“It is important to stress that these students represent far more than just the excellent results that have been achieved today. At King’s, academic excellence goes hand in hand with values such as kindness and compassion for our community, as well as a vibrant co-curricular life.

Even in the midst of post-lockdown academic pressures, this year group raised money for DERC Ukraine appeal through running in the Gloucester 10k, performed in the school production of ‘Antigone’, volunteered with the Gloucester City HAF and much more. This year group will be remembered fondly for their strong academic ability, their calm leadership of the school and superb ‘can-do’ attitude in the most trying of circumstances.”   

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King’s students celebrate academic success and look to the future