Lessons on the Science of Sound for our Upper Prep Pupils

Lessons on the Science of Sound for our Upper Prep Pupils
Junior School Academic

Our Junior School Upper Prep class have been learning about Sound in their Science lessons.  As part of this topic they had a visit from Mrs Taylor (Mrs Johnson's sister) and her four year old son Ewan.  Ewan is deaf and has cochlear implants and Mrs Taylor explained to the class how the implants work (a receiver is imbedded under the skin behind the ear and the speech processor is worn over the head to transmit the signals to the brain where they are interpreted as sound).

The pupils were totally fascinated by this and particularly by the thought that Ewan had a small computer implanted in his head!

Mrs Taylor then went on the teach the children some basic sign language, which they all learnt very enthusiastically - and hopefully went home and shared this with their families.

It was a wonderful hour; Ewan was a perfect model and brought the topic of sound to life for the Upper Prep class.

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Lessons on the Science of Sound for our Upper Prep Pupils