Lower Shell Saxon

Lower Shell Saxon
Junior School

On Wednesday 30th January we went on a school trip to the Forest of Dean.

First we were put into groups 1, 2 and 3. Group 1 went to a workshop of the Anglo-Saxons and how they lived and what they ate. At the end we were able to try on some armour. We tried on the metal helmet, it was very heavy. We held a shield and we had a choice to hold an axe or a spear. Another activity was bushcraft this was my favourite activity. We made fires. We had to make fires with special lighters called flint and steel. When we made the fires on cotton wool. The Saxons didn’t have cotton but they used other materials like plants and flax. At the end we ate marshmallows. The last activity was scary we learnt how to shoot and hold the bow safely.

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Lower Shell Saxon