D of E Assessed Bronze

D of E Assessed Bronze
Senior School Extra-Curricular

Twenty-seven Fourth Form pupils qualified for the Bronze Assessed Expedition in Broadway at the end of May.  The pupils had undertaken the practice expedition a couple of weeks earlier in the beautiful summer sunshine but the weekend of the assessed walk, three weeks later, took place in very different conditions.

The wind blew and the rain came down as the five groups set off across the Cotswold countryside. At the end of Day 1 they came back into camp tired, hungry and soaking wet. After a setting up camp, eating a quick meal and an early night they started Day 2 on a positive, cheerful note and all but one team completed the course.

Mrs Burden, King's School D of E Co-ordinator, commented "The pupils showed extreme determination and resilience to keep on track and complete the course - despite the unfavourable weather conditions.  They worked well within their teams - encouraging each other when morale was low.  We are proud of their commitment".

A selection of images from the weekend is shown below:


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D of E Assessed Bronze