The Borrowers Theatre Trip

The Borrowers Theatre Trip
Junior School Extra-Curricular

At the start of September, Mrs Berry launched a new Shell Reading Group, to further enrich literacy and share her love of reading. The book the group has been studying is 'The Borrowers' by Mary Norton. Set in Edwardian times, reading and discussing 'The Borrowers' meant there was new vocabulary and speech to get accustomed to. Soon, all were enjoying this magical story of little people living under the floorboards of a dusty, old house. The children finished reading the book independently over the Christmas break and in January, had a real treat when they went to see a production of 'The Borrowers' at The Tobacco Factory Theatre in Bristol. The quirky production portrayed a mean Mrs Driver with a cleaning obsession and had the Clock family taking shelter from her in a giant sardine tin or risking daring borrowing escapades through aerial acrobatics. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle and giant props (including an enormous jammy dodger which mysteriously disappeared in the final song!). 

‘The Borrowers’ was a great play. My favourite part was when the boy and Mrs Driver were fighting over the crisp packet with Pod, Homily and Arrietty inside. I also loved the band - they were amazing. ‘The Borrowers’ overall was super!  Archie 

It was fun and entertaining, It was lovely. It was fun when Mr Bennett came in and stood in the middle of the stage! 


I really enjoyed reading ‘The Borrowers’. It used a good contrast of different vocabulary and it helped me to use it in my writing.  Billy 

At the start we were nervous because we didn’t know what to expect, but excited at the same time. Daisy and Bella loved the ice cream. Jemima enjoyed how they were using the bars. We all loved Stringbob.

Bella liked how Pod wanted to be on schedule and the giant earbuds.  

Daisy liked everything. Thank you Mrs Berry and Mr Bennett. 

Daisy, Bella and Jemima

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The Borrowers Theatre Trip