Looking forward to House Performing Arts

Looking forward to House Performing Arts
Senior School Events

This term, we are looking forward to the exciting showcase of House Performing Arts. The performances this year will be music and drama.

Each of our Houses will be competing with their own individual performance. Every year the Sixth Form pupils direct the drama performances, which is useful for their A Level drama and leadership skills. It is also a chance for the students who are participating to get to know one another and enhance their acting skills.

We interviewed one of the Serlo directors about the play they were producing.

Why did you decide to do this play?

Because our theme is musicals and I looked at teenage rebellion

What is the play about?

One boy is part of a religion called the Plymouth Brethren, they aren’t allowed any contact with the outside world. He meets a boy who is involved with the 90’s rave culture and takes him under his wing

Has King’s inspired you to do more acting?

Yes, in Fourth Form I really enjoyed the work I devised for my GCSE and the part I played in Macbeth

We will also be entertained by our School’s musicians. There will be three talented soloists to represent each House playing an interesting piece of music. There will be many Choral pieces and a Group piece. The evening is filled with excitement and diversity. Many of the students who take part have Music Scholarships which are offered from First to Sixth Form students.

Written by Maddy and Isabel, Second Form pupils

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Looking forward to House Performing Arts