Five Grade 8 Distinctions awarded in Music Exams

Five Grade 8 Distinctions awarded in Music Exams
All School Music

Despite lockdown since the Trinity Term 2020, one aspect of school life has been thriving with the delivery of music lessons from our dedicated team of visiting music teachers.  Although they were able to spend the Michaelmas Term teaching face to face, many lessons over the past year have been delivered remotely with  pupils working towards music exams.  Some pupils managed to experience a face to face examination with a visiting examiner, whilst others have been assessed online.  Since September we have had 33 examination results received with a very high number of pupils achieving Merits or Distinctions.  Amongst these five pupils have gained Grade 8 - all with Distinction! 

Mr Pennington, Director of Music, commented,

I am extremely grateful to all our visiting music staff who have encouraged so many talented young musicians to continue to press forward with their musical education.  King's has a vibrant music community and no pandemic will prevent us from nurturing this talent.  Many congratulations to all our pupils who have done so well in their exams this year and to all those who are continuing with their remote lessons.  Our bands and choirs will be in fine shape when are able to return to school!

Photos feature Grade 8 Pupil successes:

Rosa (Yr 8) Grade 8 Oboe  

Lottie (Yr 9) Grade 8 Violin

Seb (Yr 11) Grade 8 Horn

George (Yr 11) Grade 8 Cello

Jenny (U6) Grade 8 Singing


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Five Grade 8 Distinctions awarded in Music Exams